RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours

RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours:  2nd Tuesdays, 11am ET Have questions about how to get started with the Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model? Or are you already working with it and just want to discuss the process, or a particular aspect of the assessment tool? Join working group members and your colleagues in the community …

RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours

RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours:  2nd Tuesdays, 11am ET Have questions about how to get started with the Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model? Or are you already working with it and just want to discuss the process, or a particular aspect of the assessment tool? Join working group members and your colleagues in the community …

RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours

RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours:  2nd Tuesdays, 11am ET Have questions about how to get started with the Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model? Or are you already working with it and just want to discuss the process, or a particular aspect of the assessment tool? Join working group members and your colleagues in the community …

RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours

RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours:  2nd Tuesdays, 11am ET Have questions about how to get started with the Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model? Or are you already working with it and just want to discuss the process, or a particular aspect of the assessment tool? Join working group members and your colleagues in the community …

RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours

RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours:  2nd Tuesdays, 11am ET Have questions about how to get started with the Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model? Or are you already working with it and just want to discuss the process, or a particular aspect of the assessment tool? Join working group members and your colleagues in the community …

RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours

RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours:  2nd Tuesdays, 11am ET Have questions about how to get started with the Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model? Or are you already working with it and just want to discuss the process, or a particular aspect of the assessment tool? Join working group members and your colleagues in the community …

RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours

RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours:  2nd Tuesdays, 11am ET Have questions about how to get started with the Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model? Or are you already working with it and just want to discuss the process, or a particular aspect of the assessment tool? Join working group members and your colleagues in the community …

RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours

RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours:  2nd Tuesdays, 11am ET Have questions about how to get started with the Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model? Or are you already working with it and just want to discuss the process, or a particular aspect of the assessment tool? Join working group members and your colleagues in the community …

RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours

RCD Capabilities Model Office Hours:  2nd Tuesdays, 11am ET Have questions about how to get started with the Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model? Or are you already working with it and just want to discuss the process, or a particular aspect of the assessment tool? Join working group members and your colleagues in the community …

Systems-Facing Track Call, June 15th, 2023

Systems-Facing Track, Thursday May 18th, 2023 1pm ET/ 12pm CT/ 11am MT/ 10am PT/ 8am HT Topic: TBD Discussion lead by:  TBD Description: TBD Join the CaRCC People Network: http://bit.ly/join_carcc_people_network Join us also on Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/carcc/shared_invite/enQtNzUyMDcwMTAxNzQ2LWMzMmVkMWE1YjM0OGVkNWY2YTJjOTcyZmI3M2FiYzg0MGRlMjIwYWVlMmU0OTZiOWQxY2Y2YTJlYjQ3YzQ1YjU CaRCC YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/carcc CaRCC YouTube Channel Systems-Facing Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV-SC0CHLTwehApeMg_fJ5VbYndETh3yT

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