The current CaRCC community has at its center the “People Network“, a group of volunteers (basically at present an non-exclusive e-mail list and a sub-committee that helps coordinate) helping to support and advocate for the community of communities supporting research computing and data, broadly defined. CaRCC also helps to facilitate a set of open working groups. Membership is currently open to Research Computing and Data and Cyberinfrastructure professionals, noting that at present the focus has been on supporting campuses and research.
Working Groups: To express interest in getting involved with the working groups, either e-mail the committee chairs or help@carcc.org.
The People-Network: The people-network is for all of the people who support campus-based research computing and data infrastructure and the use of that infrastructure by researchers.
To join the people-network, fill out this Google form.
If you would like to learn more, e-mail us at help@carcc.org