2nd Thursdays of Each Month
1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT/ 8a HT
Title: What’s Cool in 2024
Facilitated by the Researcher-Facing Steering Committee
Abstract: It’s a new year and we need new hot topics to dive into for the researcher-facing track! Please join us at our January call to let us know what RCD topics make you lose your chill.
* What challenges make your blood run cold?
* Are there some leftover topics we should take out of the deep freeze?
* What was the most invigorating topic you heard about at PEARC and SC?
This will be a semi-structured conversation as we (polar) plunge into 2024. If you can’t attend, please fill out this survey to vote on topics: https://forms.gle/dZdWs3o7Mkh5wFAY8
Also, please take a moment to vote on these potential R-F call topics! Thanks for your input.
Call Coordinates (Zoom): Due to the trend in ZoomBombing, please contact the R-F Track Chairs for the Zoom call information, and please include your name and affiliation. Remember, this Track and Community is all about you… and is yours!!