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Emerging Centers Track Call, May 18, 2022

May 18, 2022 @ 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Title: Strategy and Policy development

Presenters: Patrick Schmitz and Doug Jennewein

Wednesday, May 18, 12p ET/ 11a CT/ 10a MT/ 9a PT/ 7a HT


The May Emerging Centers Track call will feature the founders of a new track focused on a topic close to all of our hearts: Strategy and Policy Development! Patrick Schmitz and Doug Jennewein will join us to discuss the development of the track and first set of strategy and policy development areas that will be addressed.

If you are interested in helping out as an Emerging Centers Steering Committee member and adding this national community service to your CV/resume, please contact us at combsje@uc.edu, Rich.Knepper@cornell.edu or ec-coordinators@carcc.org

Call Coordinates (Zoom):
Due to the recent trend in ZoomBombing, please contact the EC Track Chairs for the Zoom call information, and please include your name and affiliation.

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CaRCC YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/carcc


May 18, 2022
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
©2022-2024 CaRCC