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CaRCC Data-Facing Call August 2023

August 1, 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Data-Facing Track, Tuesday August 1st, 2023 1pm ET/ 12pm CT/ 11am MT/ 10am PT/ 8am HT

Topic: Artificial Intelligence: The Beginning and the End of Human Wisdom
Discussion lead by:  Shuyuan Mary Ho Metcalfe, Florida State University Shuyuan Mary Ho Metcalfe is an Associate Professor at Florida State University School of Information. Her research and publications are in trusted human computer interaction, with a focus on detecting computer-mediated deception and deepfake. Her research raises global awareness of complex problems in cyber defense and ethics in the adoption of machine learning and artificial intelligence. Her recent work has been funded by U.S. Air Force, developing an AI platform that utilizes RCC resources to detect deepfake photographic images. Please visit https://veracity.cci.fsu.edu/ for more information about Veracity AI and a free trial. Dr. Metcalfe’s profile can be found here: https://directory.cci.fsu.edu/shuyuan-metcalfe/

Description: ChapGPT has drawn significant attention from early adopters. While this generative artificial intelligence (AI) system can be somewhat intuitive, such technology can also be disruptive in domains that require creativity (e.g., computer coding, education), information authenticity (e.g., news agencies, and intelligence communities) and precision (e.g., clinical decision-making, manufacturing). In this talk, Shuyuan will discuss the significance of AI adoption, her recent work utilizing research computing center (RCC) resource at Florida State University, and ethics and implications of AI adoption in society.

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August 1, 2023
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Event Category:
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