Staff and Student Workforce Development

The Staff and Student Workforce Development Interest Groups were formed in 2022 as part of the RCD Nexus project. During the Nexus Day event held July 10, 2022 in conjunction with the PEARC22 conference, there was an all-day workshop to address student and staff workforce development concerns. A summary of this workshop can be found here. It was quickly recognized that there was great overlap between the two groups and therefore they were combined to form a single interest group. 

The focus of these interest groups is to:

  • Support current research computing and data (RCD) professionals
  • Provide information for people looking to become an RCD professional
  • Provide information to institutions looking to establish RCD workforce development programs

These groups will curate information from existing, successful programs in order to develop leading practices for:

  • Staff onboarding, training, and development
  • Student program development

In a recent interest group meeting, participant input resulted in the following word cloud.

Join Us!

Everyone is welcome to join the calls and the mailing lists. Navigate to one or both of the links below depending on your interest(s)and click “Ask to Join”.

  • Staff Workforce Development
  • Student Workforce Development

If you have difficulties subscribing please email

Monthly Calls

We are happy to announce the official launch of the CaRCC Staff and Student Workforce Development Interest Group calls! Calls will take place the second Tuesday of each month at 11am PT, 12pm MT, 1pm CT, 2pm ET and will generally alternate between staff and student topics. Our December call (12/13) will focus on student workforce development and the January call (1/10) will focus on staff issues – but all are welcome to join both calls, as there is a lot of overlap and common themes.

Interest Group Co-Chairs

  • Tom Cheatham – University of Utah (student-focused)
  • Brian Haymore – University of Utah (student-focused)
  • Betsy Hillery – Purdue University (student-focused) 
  • Timothy Middelkoop – Internet2 (staff-focused)
  • Michael Weiner – Georgia Institute of Technology (staff-focused) 


  • Timothy Middelkoop, Claire Mizumoto, Scotty Strachan, Balamurugan Desinghu, Scott Delinger, Jacob Fosso Tande, Deb McCaffrey, Ann Myatt James, David P. Reddy, and Patrick Schmitz. 2023. Career Phases in Research Computing and Data. In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC ’23), July 23–27, 2023, Portland, OR, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 6 pages, 2023.
  • Gladys Andino, Scott L. Delinger, Jacob Fosso Tande, Timothy Middelkoop, Claire Mizumoto, David P. Reddy, and Michael D. Weiner. Onboarding Research Computing and Data Professionals. in Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC ’24), July 21–25, 2024, Providence, RI, USA. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2024.. (preprint)
  • Gladys Andino, Scott L. Delinger, Jacob Fosso Tande, Timothy Middelkoop, Claire Mizumoto, David P. Reddy, and Michael D. Weiner. An Onboarding Checklist for Research Computing and Data Professionals, Zenodo, 2024.

Upcoming Call(s)

“Gladys Andino – first year of student program, observations and lessons learned,” Tuesday, August 13th, 11am PT, 12pm MT, 1pm CT, 2pm ET

Previous Calls

07/09/2024Workforce Development: Maximizing Your Conference Experiencedoc
05/15/2024How do you increase the hiring pool for students and staff for Research Computing and Data positions?doc
04/09/2024Staff RCD Training Plansdoc
03/12/2024Discussion on Student Program Models: Funding, Hiring, and Onboarding Processes Part 2doc
02/13/2024 Discussion on Student Program Models: Funding, Hiring, and Onboarding Processesdoc
01/09/2024Combined staff/student – PEARC24 writing topicsdoc
12/13/2023Onboarding: First Days, First Weeks, First Monthsdoc
10/10/2023Impact of Student RCD Workforce Developmentvideo
09/12/2023Joint Staff and Student Call: Working session on onboarding resourcesdoc
08/08/2023Combination Staff and Student Call : open discussion/recap of the RCD Nexus Day workshop and PEARC Conferencedoc
07/11/2023Joint Staff and Student Call: RCD Mentoring Working Group Kickoff Calldoc
05/09/2023Staff Focused Call – Overlay the RCD HR Framework on the RCD Career phasesdoc
04/11/2023Student Focused Callvideo
03/14/2023Staff Focused Call – Phases of an RCD Career: what are they and how do we define them?video
02/14/2023Student Focused Callvideo
01/23/2023Staff Focused Callvideo
12/13/2023Student Focused Callvideo