People Network

Building Community: the CaRCC People Network

The People Network aims to foster, build and grow an inclusive community (termed the “People Network”) for campus professionals who support research computing and data resources and the researchers who use them. The Network includes synchronous and asynchronous opportunities to network with and leverage the collective expertise of the broader RCD+ community. With focused discussion “tracks”, participants can choose how they participate. As of late 2023, the People Network includes approximately 1500 unique members.


Fill out this Google form to join any of the tracks and the overall People Network.
(Requests to join are moderated by a human before email addresses are subscribed to relevant email lists.)

Tracks within the People Network

Each track has their own email list, Slack channel, and monthly community calls. Recognizing that any one RCD professional might have multiple professional roles and/or interests and limited time, People Network members can pick and choose which tracks, calls, and discussions to partake in. You can also check out YouTube recordings of most prior calls (here:

While the People Network initially launched tracks aligned with role-based ‘facings’ from CaRCC-facilitated work on the “Research Computing and Data Professionals Job Elements and Career Guide“, other tracks have formed (and may form) around other themes. You can read more about each track, below:

  • Emerging Centers: Support for smaller or developing research computing and data centers. (est. 2019)
  • Data-Facing: Data management, publishing/sharing, data science, data visualization, data workflows, data transfer and networks, among other topics. (est. 2019)
  • Researcher-Facing: Outreach, education/training, consulting/facilitation, leading collaborations, etc. (est. 2018)
  • Strategy & Policy-Facing: RCD leadership, institutional alignment, culture for research support, funding, and partnerships and engagement with external communities. This facing is coordinated in collaboration with several peer leadership communities including CASC (Coalition for Academic Scientific Computation) and the EDUCAUSE RCD group. (est. 2022)
  • Systems-Facing: Systems planning, engineering, security, optimization, middleware, virtualization, and cloud, among other topics. (est. 2019)
  • Software-Facing: Software development, portability, installation, optimization, support, etc. For those interested, we recommend that you check out the US Research Software Engineers Association (US-RSE).

Our Community Policies

Subscribed members of the People Network and Track email lists are able to access all corresponding email discussion archives via when logged into Google with a Google-compatible or linked identity that is subscribed to these lists. Please contact with requests for changes to your list subscriptions and/or for help accessing the archives.

Track-specific and other People Network gatherings are generally executed via Zoom and posted to the CaRCC YouTube Channel, where we take advantage of YouTube’s accessibility features, except when topics or community members indicate a reason for confidentiality. Given this availability of content from gatherings, and to otherwise preserve community member privacy (i.e. in Zoom chat conversations), non-human meeting participants (e.g. AI bots) are not allowed in any People Network or Track Zoom meetings and will be removed. Furthermore, content other than that in public call documents and/or YouTube videos should never be further distributed. Violations will be handled per the enforcement policies described in the CaRCC Code of Conduct, which outlines additional policies applying to all CaRCC-associated events and communication channels.

CaRCC Privacy Policy

Our Full Privacy Policy governs your membership in the Campus Research Computing Consortium (CaRCC) People Network, your use of the CaRCC instance of the WildApricot membership management tool, and CaRCC tools and services such as the Portal Services.  The Policy explains how we collect, safeguard and disclose information that results from your membership and use of that system.

Your privacy is very important to us, and we have a few fundamental principles that we follow:

  • We don’t ask you for personal information unless we truly need it.
  • We don’t share your personal information with anyone except to comply with the law, develop our products, or protect our rights.
  • We don’t store personal information on our servers unless required for the on-going operation of our site.

We use your data to provide relevant communications related to CaRCC. By joining the People Network, using WildApricot to manage your membership information and preferences, and/or using our Portal Services, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy.

CaRCC uses your information to provide relevant communications and support related to your involvement in CaRCC. CaRCC does not sell or share our membership lists or member data with third parties unless required by law, or necessary to share with a CaRCC contracted service provider, such as an event venue, caterer, etc.

Current People Network co-coordinators

(email both)

Former co-coordinators:

    • Dana Brunson, Internet2